Questions & Reflections
This video asks and attempts to answer several questions pertaining to the next three chapters of Sophie's World: "Descartes," "Spinoza," and "Locke."
Follow along and compare the teacher's answers to these with your own on the handout from last week.
Link here to see the rest of the Mandelbrot set zoom-in visualization as mentioned in the lesson video.
Next Step: Finish reading the next three chapters noted below, then complete the journal prompt below.
Next Step: Day 09 Journal Prompt
1) Go to the Journal Prompt Handout by clicking on the link above.
2) Follow the instructions at the top of the sheet. (Alternatively, you can download, complete, and send the teacher a copy of the document, if you would prefer.)
3) Follow any additional instructions at the bottom of the sheet.
4) Once you've finished completing the sheet, go on to the Next Step linked below.
5) Be sure to have your completed handout turned in to the teacher using Direct Messages by Sunday evening of the week of this lesson.