Welcome to Our Free Intro to Philosophy Course

Welcome to Philosophy For Real's free introductory philosophy course! 

The series of lessons you're about to participate in are going to cover the entirety of the popular novel, Sophie's World, as well as provide additional background and insight into the lives and ideas of the philosophers featured in the book.

This course series is intended for anyone who is interested in a thorough introduction to philosophy by means of a very accessible story like this one, as well as anyone who has enjoyed Sophie's World before and perhaps wants deeper insight into the profound concepts and historical movements the book touches on.

Homeschooling families may find this free online course particularly helpful as a first-time approach to the discipline, bearing in mind that the content and breadth of topics are deep and vast.

Teachers of any trade are also welcome to use any part of this course, including the workbook handouts, to supplement their own courses as they see fit. 

And while it may not amount to much in the eyes of institutions of higher education, know that it will be my pleasure to even award you a Certificate of Completion at the end of this course, given you've more-or-less mastered the concepts along the way as demonstrated by making an 80% or above on all four assessments in the course. Those who make over 95% on all four assessments will be awarded a Certificate of Excellence in addition to the one above.

IMPORTANT: If you don't yet have your own copy of Sophie's World yet, be sure to get it in order to follow along and reap the full benefits of this course. Click here to get your copy now.  

I hope you enjoy it!